It's that time of year...
...that I start getting the itch to plan our travels and camping this summer with our trailer. I have a list of things I do to get our trailer ready each year. (As well as a "to-do list" compiled during our travels last year.) Of everything on my lists, there are three really important tasks to prevent a major (and possibly dangerous) disruption to your travels. This is the first one.
Checking you trailer tires
Look your trailer tires over carefully. Be sure to check the tread depth and look for signs of dry rotting. The UV rays from the sun cause the rubber to dry out. Even if a tire is not that old, continued sun exposure can be a problem.
Every bit as important though is to check the age of the tires. Quite often trailer tires simply deteriorate with age on the inside and show no problems during a visual inspection. The life expectancy of a trailer tire published by the various manufacturers varies, but most are between 3 and 5 years.
How to read the data on a trailer tire sidewall
The most important item here is the date the tire was made. Simply look at the last four digits of the information on the tire sidewall. In the photo above, the tire was manufactured during the 26th week of 2013. In other words, in June of 2013. So this is certainly not a tire I would want on my trailer!
It's also a good idea to check this date when you purchase new tires. Make sure you are not being sold trailer tires that have been sitting around in a warehouse for a long time.
One other thing to keep you safe
The number one cause of trailer tire failure and blowouts is heat. When a tire gets too hot, it can easily fail. The two main reasons a tire gets too hot, is that it is under-inflated, or you are driving too fast!
Standard trailer tires are type ST and are normally rated for a maximum speed of 65mph. Even if you think you can handle driving faster, it doesn't mean your tires can handle it. Don't take a chance!
As for the inflation, you should really check this before each trip. Lookup the manufacturers information for the particular tires you have. Generally they publish a chart on their webite with inflation, speed and load ratings. Should you need a pressure guage, check out the one I've listed below. It's not the most expensive, but it's easy to use and read. I've been very satisfied with it.
Don't put you or your family at risk
It's always a tough decision to part with your money to replace tires that visually look good. For me, this is not a place to save a few dollars. I'm a firm believer that it's better to be safe than sorry. Besides be a safety concern, I sure don't want to be dealing with a tire blowout on the road that I could have prevented!
Just be sure to keep you and your family safe! As always, drop me a note if you have any questions you think I could answer for you. - Denny
Denny Johnson
After having spent most of our adult life in Orlando, my wife Fay and I moved to Knoxville, TN in 2020. We are loving the change of seasons and being near the mountains. Plus, this part of the country is loaded with great places to camp.We camped years ago with a pop-up camper, but got serious about it when we purchased our Casita in 2014. There was a lot to learn as we started traveling with it, and a lot of conflicting opinions on line. That's when I decided that creating a website would be a good retirement project. I started to share things we've learned along the way that have worked well for us in hopes that the information would be of help to others.
However, since moving to Tennessee, I've gotten involved with new hobbies (you can check some out on my personal website at and we haven't camped very much. So, at the end of 2023, I made the tough decision to stop updating this website.